3D scanning solutions

How Artec 3D is supporting Ukraine

Leo 3D models

Scanned using Artec 3D technology
Smart car frame

Smart car frame • Leo • HD

A uniquely precise 3D model of a rear-engine, 2-passenger city car frame with every thin edge and fine detail present, ready to be used in diverse automotive, engineering, and design workflows.

Snowmobile • Leo • HD

Just one look at this detail-rich 3D model of a snowmobile gives you an idea of how challenging the original object could have been to 3D scan.
Wooden chair HD

Wooden chair HD • Leo • HD

The chair’s crisp edges along its cross rails, legs, and stiles, together with its precise interfaces among components, called for a high degree of precision.
Air rescue helicopter

Air rescue helicopter • Combo

This impressive 3D model of an air rescue helicopter is the result of an epic scanning project using the combined might of two Luxembourgish companies: Luxembourg Air Rescue and Artec 3D, featuring Artec Ray and Artec Leo.
Animal print accent chair

Animal print accent chair • Leo

Artec Leo was paired with a DSLR camera to get the best possible results for texture and geometry for this beautiful jungle-inspired accent chair.
Blast furnace gas engine

Blast furnace gas engine • Combo

Hands down, this 1940s blast furnace gas engine is the largest object we’ve ever scanned here at Artec, and probably one of the biggest industrial structures ever captured in 3D with such a fine level of detail and accuracy.
3D scan of a body

Body scan • Leo

A hyper-realistic textured 3D model of a man’s body, ready for using in medical, forensic, design, and CGI applications.
California office chair

California office chair • Leo

What appears to be a normal, everyday office chair, plucked from the glass and steel confines of a typical high-tech office in sunny California, serves as a fine example of capturing modern furniture with Artec Leo.

Car • Leo

This 3D model was created via a synergy of 3D data from an Artec Leo combined with texture from photogrammetry.
Car body

Car body • Leo

Taking only 20 minutes to scan the whole car, and just under one and a half hours to process the captured 3D data, this highly accurate 3D model was ready in under two hours from start to finish.
Christmas Bear

Christmas Bear • Leo

Now, if this hyper-realistic 3D model of an adorable bear doesn’t conjure thoughts of a jolly Christmas, what will?
Church façade

Church façade • Combo

Team Artec is constantly putting 3D scanners through all sorts of tests to see how well they handle a wide range of objects, as well as to delineate the best path to follow for delivering the most accurate results. One such test project is showcased here on this page.
Colossal cleaning machine

Colossal cleaning machine • Combo

Captured with Artec Leo & Artec Ray II, this huge post-processing unit has been turned into a 3D model for a VR simulation, so it can be demoed without ever leaving the factory.

Crankshaft • Combo

We used Artec Space Spider’s exceptionally high resolution and Artec Leo’s large field of view & high scanning speed to create a remarkably precise model from the combined raw data.
Crocodile Statue

Crocodile Statue • Leo

Part of an outdoor fountain basin, this 3D model of a croc was created with the Artec Leo 3D scanner and the powerful Artec Studio software.
Dual-clutch gearbox

Dual-clutch gearbox • Leo

Yes, this is one of those dandy not-so-little devices that no one wants to hear their mechanic talking about, especially not while he’s rubbing his hands together and has a certain little gleam in his eye.
Fountain Basin

Fountain Basin • Leo

Leo was able to scan this fountain’s 7-meter basin in just under fifty minutes, with no need for additional preparation or the use of extra features to improve the scanner’s tracking.

Kayak • Leo

As a vivid example of what’s possible using a combination of two handheld 3D scanners, this 3-meter-long kayak was scanned and transformed into a highly-accurate, ready-for-VR 3D model.
Large iron machine part

Large iron machine part • Leo

Artec Leo is often called in when the height of the object to be 3D scanned approximates that of a Yeti. Why?
Lion statue

Lion statue • Leo

This lion is one of two nearly identical bronze animals prowling alongside the steps of a town hall. Mounted on a pedestal, it was a bit hard to reach, but not for Leo — its namesake!
Lone Sailor Memorial

Lone Sailor Memorial • Leo

This bronze monument overlooking San Francisco Bay was captured in full daylight with Artec Leo in only 45 minutes, as the sun was rising up above the water.
Michel Rodange monument

Michel Rodange monument • Combo

This tall statue in central Luxembourg, which commemorates one of the most famous local writers, was easily captured using a synergy of the wireless handheld 3D scanner Artec Leo and the tripod-mounted laser scanner Artec Ray.
Miss Lucy, aka "Scoots"

Miss Lucy, aka "Scoots" • Leo

Lucy, a 7-month-old puppy, was tired during her scan. Late one evening, after a full day, Lucy jumped onto an ottoman, ready to snooze. Thus a perfect Leo scanning moment appeared!
Mr. Wilson, aka "Bamboozle"

Mr. Wilson, aka "Bamboozle" • Leo

Wilson, a 7-year-old Ivory Lab, is very food-motivated. Without an ample supply of treats, this scan wouldn’t have happened.
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