3D scanning solutions

How Artec 3D is supporting Ukraine

Blender 3D models

Scanned using Artec 3D technology
Ball joint

Ball joint • Space Spider

A very simple part to scan and a good example of scanning holes.
Bat-eared fox skull

Bat-eared fox skull • Space Spider

This small and fragile skull of a bat-eared fox was scanned with Artec Space Spider. While the model looks complicated, there were no challenging areas to scan.

Cube • Space Spider

A watertight 3D-model of a plastic cube produced by ProtoLabs.
Dragon Chalice

Dragon Chalice • Space Spider

A novelty chalice, made of plastic, with metal cup inside.

Engine • Combo

The body of the engine and the larger details were scanned with Artec Eva. Spider was used to capture the more intricate geometry.

Flower • Space Spider

Scanning this flower with Artec Space Spider was fairly easy — one just needed to be mindful of  perspective change in geometry of the petals once the object was turned over.
Foot mold

Foot mold • Space Spider

This metal mold of a child's foot was scanned with Spider in less than one minute.
Full body scan

Full body scan • Eva

We used a tablet and the Artec battery pack so the scanning was really fast. It took only 4 minutes.

Gear • Space Spider

A good example of a symmetrical object, which is impossible for other scanners to capture without the application of stickers.
Golden column

Golden column • Eva

An architectural element, scanned with Eva in under 2 minutes. After scanning it was slightly adjusted in 3D modeling software and carved in styrofoam.
Head sculpture

Head sculpture • Eva Lite

This head is a perfect example of a suitable object for Eva Lite - there are no color shifts that Eva with the color camera could have used for tracking enhancement.

Hydrant • Eva

This is a 3D model of a working hydrant on a street in Palo Alto, CA. To scan it, we used an Artec Eva connected to an Artec battery and a tablet for full scanning mobility.
Lu Yu

Lu Yu • Space Spider

A statue of the Chinese Sage of Tea scanned with Artec Space Spider.
Makita case

Makita case • Space Spider

This section of plastic casing for an electric screwdriver is a very interesting object from a 3D scanning point of view.
Measuring tape

Measuring tape • Space Spider

This measuring tape was scanned as a potential demo object.
Panasonic GH4

Panasonic GH4 • Space Spider

We scanned our Panasonic GH4 with our Artec Space Spider. This was an untreated scan, so we scanned the camera as-is with no prep.
Power drill

Power drill • Space Spider

Well used Ridgid power drill scanned with the Artec Spider.
Product part

Product part • Space Spider

Product part made of plastic. Scanning time was around 5 minutes, and post-processing took about 20 minutes. This is a good example of fast reverse engineering.
Stone corner piece

Stone corner piece • Eva Lite

An architectural piece, scanned with Eva Lite.There's plenty of clearly visible ornaments that makes tracking simple and reliable.
Tower well valve

Tower well valve • Eva

An early 1900’s tower well valve scanned on-site with Artec Eva, connected to a portable battery and a tablet.
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