3D scanning solutions

How Artec 3D is supporting Ukraine

Artec Group and OpenNI are proud to announce the joining of forces

Artec Group released Artec Studio and Artec Welcome - two free demo applications that turn affordable 3D sensors (PrimeSense, MS Kinect or Asus Xtion) into a powerful 3D scanner or precise biometric device correspondingly.

Primesense, a founding member of OpenNI and technology enabler which previously has licensed its know-how to Microsoft and Asus, is now working with Artec Group, which integrated support for Primesense sensors into its latest versions of Artec Welcome and Artec Studio softwares.

OpenNI will feature those applications on its newly launched website which promotes various software developed specifically for their sensors.

Moreover, the demo version of Artec Welcome is now free to anyone for trial.

Artec Welcome will allow users to turn their Kinect, Asus Xtion or PrimeSense sensor into enhanced computer security device, using Artec 3D face recognition technology. The application recognizes 3D face of a user and grants access to a PC, blocking it as soon as there’s no user in the working area.

Artec Studio, which previously has only been available to professionals, is now free to anyone for trial and to purchase for just €500.

The combination of Artec Studio and Kinect, Asus Xtion or PrimeSense sensor functions as real 3D scanner. The hardware and software package will cost around €700, which makes it the most affordable, feature-packed 3D scanner to date.

Customers curious to find out more, can simply download the free trial version of Artec Welcome and Artec Studio and connect their device to the PC.

Our President Artem Yukhin says: "We are very excited about working with OpenNI. Artec team previously introduced 3D face recognition concept to the industry and Artec was the first to create a real-time handheld 3D scanner. However, the real boost happens always when someone finds the way to make the technology affordable for the mass market. That is exactly what PrimeSense did: they were first to bring 3D sensing to the mass market and it opens the way for Artec and many others who work in the field to bring their products to much broader audience then ever "

About OpenNI

OpenNI is the largest 3D sensing development framework and community. The open source SDK is the recognized standard for developing computer vision middleware and 3D solutions. The OpenNI community provides developers with a full range of software tools along with a vivid ecosystem platform for effective collaboration and promotion.

The Open NI consortium was established in November 2010 as a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to promote and standardize the compatibility and interoperability of Natural Interaction (NI), devices, applications and middleware. For additional information, please visit openni.org.

About Primesense

PrimeSense™ is the founding member of OpenNI and the leader in Natural Interaction® and 3D sensing, enabling devices to “see” environments and allowing Natural Interaction between people and devices in a simple and intuitive way. PrimeSense offers affordable solutions for consumer and commercial markets including: home computing, interactive entertainment, consumer electronics, robotics, industrial, digital signage, healthcare and more.

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