Simplify and perfect your woodwork process with Ray II + Leo

What: Papenbroock’s Vernetzte Werkstatt (Papenbroock’s Interconnected Workshop)
When: April 25, 2024
Where: Papenbroock GmbH & Co. KG, Industriestraße 14, 25462 Rellingen
If you’re looking to simplify your production process in the workshop from concept to finished product, look no further: Papenbroock’s Interconnected Workshop is ready to show you how.
At this exclusive event, Artec Ambassador KLIB introduces the powerful combination of Artec Ray II and Artec Leo – and what this could mean for your work with wood.
A huge advantage across many industries, Artec Leo has already proved itself as a game-changing tool for capturing accurate data with incredible ease. Pair that with the new Artec Ray II, which scans everything from vehicles to factory floors to large rooms and entire buildings, and you’re unstoppable. Learn about CAD applications with KLIB’s 3D scanning and processing experts at the show, and bring along any questions you need answered!
Discover more about how to eliminate sources of error, minimize waste, and simplify production with the help of advanced 3D technology. Spaces are limited, so book your spot today!