Shanghai HUAO Information Technology CO., LTD

Bonne connaissance des produits Artec 3D, assistance clientèle efficace
Since it was founded in March 2013, Shanghai HUAO Information Technology CO., LTD has been committed to providing benchmark 3D digitization solutions across a range of industries. With its rich experience in 3D technology, the HUAO team starts every new project by analyzing its specific needs and challenges and then outlines a roadmap to follow in order to resolve them in minimal time and with the best 3D data acquisition, modeling, and management solutions available.
The team is equipped with a variety of tools such as portable 3D scanners for both small objects and large spaces, as well as wearable scanning gear, terrestrial laser scanners, UAV tilt photogrammetry, and 3D printers. No matter the surface area to be captured in 3D, HUYAO can provide comprehensive hardware and software solutions, as well as 3D scanning, modeling, and printing services for applications such as reverse engineering, quality inspection, finite element analysis, deformation monitoring, mobile mapping, and more.
HUAO takes pride in its successful track record covering a variety of projects in manufacturing equipment, pipelines, factory buildings, bridges, tunnels, the automotive industry, aerospace, shipbuilding, and a host of other industries.
Scanners disponibles pour une démonstration

Notre meilleur scanner 3D, et le premier scanner sans fil au monde et piloté par l'IA, équipé d'un écran tactile intégré

Un scanner 3D rapide pour les professionnels qui réalisent des modèles 3D rapides et précis d'objets de taille moyenne.

Scanner 3D portable haute résolution pour capturer les détails les plus fins et produire des données de scan haute qualité et des modèles 3D réalistes.

Puissant scanner laser 3D à longue portée pour la capture précise d'objets massifs avec une vitesse remarquable et une grande précision.