Artec Leo: Basic training. Scanning and processing in AS 17

Artec Leo: Basic training. Scanning and processing in AS 17
In this course, we introduce the fundamentals of using Artec Leo and processing the scan data in Artec Studio 17 afterward.
To help you address the many applications for which the final model can be used (moviemaking, medicine, reverse engineering), we illustrate our tips and tricks with lifelike examples, and show you how to effectively scan a car, human bust, and transmission.
Course duration: 2h 00min (excluding time to pass the quizzes and practical tasks)
Contents of the course:
1. Welcome to the course
2. About Artec Leo
3. Basic information
4. Sсanner settings and information
5. Practical Exercise 1: your first scanning project
6. Scanning and processing HD scans in Autopilot
7. Practical Exercise 2: Autopilot
8. Manual processing
9. Practical Exercise 3: Manual processing
10. Photo texturing
11. Measurements, CAD features and Distance map
12. Scanning a big object: damaged vehicle
13. Body scanning
14. Practical Exercise 4: your second scanning project
15. Downloadable materials
16. Call/meeting with a trainer
17. Certification exam
Please note that this is a chargeable course. Feel free to press the red button below and an Artec sales representative will contact you with more information.
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